Everyone who has ever been to Australia knows them: the red Greyhound buses, with which backpackers not only get to their next destination cheaply, but also always find new travel mates. In this article you will find out everything you need to know about Greyhound tickets and you can book your ticket online quickly and easily including a 5-10% discount! You can buy all available Greyhound passes using the BackpackerPack booking form (they have special conditions with Greyhound!), but cheaper than directly from Greyhound 🙂 You can specify the type of ticket you want with just a few clicks: You can choose from WHIMit passes and other types. Go to BackpackerPack to see all discounted rates.
Greyhound timetable
Are you still thinking about which route you want to take? Greyhound primarily serves the eastern half of Australia. If you want to go all the way west, the last stop is Broome. From there you can, for example, rent a cheap campervan or continue your journey with a domestic flight.
How many days in advance should I buy the Greyhound ticket?
The rule applies here: the sooner, the better. Some backpackers book their tickets six months in advance, others only a few weeks in advance. This also depends on the type of ticket (see next section). Since creating and paying the invoice and creating the ticket takes a few days, I would recommend that you book the ticket at least 1 week before the start of your Greyhound trip.
How long is the ticket valid?
This depends on the type of ticket: If you book a WHIMit pass, it is valid from the day you start your trip, for the number of days purchased (it comes in different “sizes”, e.g. 15 days, 60 days or maximum 120 days). The decisive factor is the day the trip begins, and not the date the ticket was purchased.
Can I take my backpack with me for free?
Short answer: yes. As long as your luggage does not exceed 20 kg, you can simply take it with you on the bus.
Advertising note: The sites mentioned/linked to backpackerpack.de in this article are part of BackpackerPack GmbH, to which this blog (Australien-Blogger.de) also belongs. Mentions are made in our own economic interest and are promotional communication. There are no disadvantages or additional costs for you.